Sodomite Persecution: How A Pro-Sodomy Government Begins Persecuting Christians


June 22, 2011 at 5:07pm

USDA Training Equating ‘Heterosexism’ to Racism Could Soon be Gov’t Norm

by Jared Law

U.S. Department of Agriculture activists want to impose their intense brand of homosexual sensitivity training governmentwide, including a discussion that compares “heterosexism” – believing marriage can be between only one man and one woman – to racism.

The USDA program defines “heterosexism” as an “‘ism’ like sexism or racisim, where one is considered better than others.”

The same people who fight to legalize homosexual/pervert marriage now will lead the fight to legalize pedophilia. They will have the same war against morality and identity ( the Inner Light ) then as they do now. If they were ever to oppose the molestation/sodomy of children they too would be attacked and labeled as the very things ( bigot, homophobe, hater, religious fanatic/extremist, etc. ) which they now accuse others of being. And how could they then oppose what they now support?

Bottom line – If we cannot (actually WILL NOT/are too cowardly to) defend our children now we will not defend our children then. If we cannot (actually WILL NOT/are too cowardly to) defend the morality and identity (the Inner Light) of children now we will not do it then.

As the moral character of America was the foundation of its freedom and prosperity so also will the collapse of that character, the collapse of that Inner Light, lead to the end of both. A psychotic populace of ever more shattered children – internally shocked, traumatized, warped, fractured, and destroyed by their forced Social Engineering indoctrination with moral degeneracy – will eventually have no hope of continuing the most basic functions of the nation.

The nation will degenerate, in all areas, as the citizens degenerate. The Inner Light, morality and identity, of the nation will be dead. When the Inner Light dies the nation will die. Sodomites, sodomy, perversion, and degeneracy will kill the future with the same certainty that they kill the Inner Light.


When you love your children what do you do? You tell them – NO. NO ice cream. NO staying up late. NO drinking alcohol. There are countless times that, because you love them (and because you know what real love is), you tell them NO. You do this no matter how unpopular you may become with them. If your friend is an alcoholic do you “love” them by buying them another drink? Or do you show true love by leading them away from the bar, no matter how bitterly they attack you, to the better, and real, life outside of it? Do you show them true love no matter how many times they call you “alcoholphobic?” No matter how many times they call you “bigot?” No matter how many times they call you “hater?”
sodomite pervert
Anyone who opposes homosexuality, sodomy, sodomites, perversion, or degeneracy, in even the slightest way, will be accused of “hatred.”

To oppose someone – to work to stop them from hurting themselves and (especially) others – we show them “love,” true love for them, by telling them the truth. By having the courage (true love) which no one else has, especially their “friends,” to tell them the truth. By telling them NO.

We tell them NO whether they be children binging on ice cream, alcoholics drowning in alcohol, or persons shattered by homosexuality who wish to reproduce their mental, emotional, and spiritual/soul sickness in all around them and in all future generations including our children. Who wish to permanently shatter the Inner Light in all around them and in all future generations including, and especially, our children (their targets).

We show them, when no one else will, true love by telling them the truth of their soul pathology/sickness. The truth that being a homosexual/sodomite is nothing to be “proud” of. The truth that being a homosexual/sodomite is something to be truly ashamed of and sorrowful for. Something for which they can, and for their recovery and healing must, repent of. We show them, when no one else will, true love by opposing the spread of their pathology and perversion.

By opposing their mission/attack/war to “indoctrinate, recruit, teach, and expose” children to accept, endorse, and promote homosexuality/sodomy. Their mission/attack/war to bring death to the morality, identity, and soul of endless generations of children/targets. To kill their Inner Light. We show them true love, when no one else will, by opposing and stopping their cultural, social, mental, emotional, and spiritual bullying; their attacks upon our children and our future. Their attempts to emotionally, mentally, and morally molest and rape the children of our nation.

We show them true love by opposing their perversion.
We show them true love by opposing their war against the Inner Light.
We show them true love by opposing their war against humanity.
We show them true love by saying – NO.


“There will come a time when we will sit down to the banquet of our consequences.” – Robert Louis Stevenson

Dear Citizen – The legalization of pervert/homosexual marriage has already been decided. Higher Forces; those who support sodomites, sodomy, and perversion and who have the desire, motivation, power, and ability to destroy all future generations by shocking and shattering their soul with degeneracy – those who have decided to annihilate the Inner Light of the nation; have set the stage to achieve victory in their war against America. Their war against humanity.

stop pervertsThe chosen, not genetic, emotional pathology/affliction/sickness of 2% of the population is about to be mandatorily indoctrinated, permanently, into all children of the nation, starting in pre-school and kindergarten, via the public school system. It has already started. Legalization of pervert/homosexual marriage will open the floodgates. The final attack of the Homosexual/Sodomy Movement, to annihilate the Inner Light of generations of children to come, will begin.

The controllers/handlers/planners of the Homosexual/Sodomy Movement have declared war upon America. War against children. War against families. War against morality. War against the nation. War against the future. War against the Inner Light.

The only thing which can stop them is you.

Only a massive Crusade of non-violent public resistance can turn the tide in this war against America. The war against its children. The war against its future. Only a Crusade of standing up to perversion, degeneracy, and evil which spreads to every corner of the nation and lasts until victory is achieved, a mass uprising which to this moment has not occurred, will have any chance of stopping the moral decimation and annihilation of the nation which is planned.


“Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.” – Edmund Burke

    Light across the nation.
    Candles across the nation.
    Candlelight vigils. At noon. At midnight. At any time and for any length of time.
    One person or 1,000.
    At any street corner. At any church. At any freeway entrance or exit. At any city hall. At any government building. At any Congressmans office. At any location.
    Hour after hour. Day after day. Month after month.
    You will, by lighting a candle, be a witness.
    You will, by lighting a candle, be taking a stand.
    You will, by lighting a candle, be building a Crusade.
    A Crusade of true love.
    In defense of the children of the nation.
    In defense of the future.
    In defense of moral values.
    In defense of the Inner Light.
    You will, by lighting a candle, be sending a message – to those who must join you. To the powers that oppose you. To those who hate the Inner Light.
    You will, by lighting a candle, be a rallying point. A part of the last campaign/Crusade in defense of our nation and the generations to come.
    You will, by lighting a candle, be ridiculed.
    You will, by lighting a candle, be slandered.
    You will, by lighting a candle, be threatened.
    You will, by lighting a candle, be attacked.
    You will, by lighting a candle, be assaulted.
    You will, by lighting a candle, be called “hater.”
    You will, by lighting a candle, be called ‘homophobic.”
    You will, by lighting a candle, be called “bigoted.”
    Your love will be tested.

Will it be strong enough? To oppose perversion? To oppose sodomites? Will you be afraid of what other people think? Will you withdraw from the field of battle, a battle for humanity and for generations to come, to save your image? To ” look good?” To keep your ” friends ” who have chosen to join the opposing Army of Death which wars against our children, our nation, and our future? Your “friends” who attack you for standing in defense of children? Who attack you for opposing perversion? Your “friends” who have declared war on the Inner Light?

Will you give up or will you take a stand for true love?

sodomite pervertA stand in defense of the children of our nation. In defense of our future. It may not seem like much but each time you have a simple candlelight event; at any time of the day, for any length of time, and with any amount of people; you are increasing the force of the Army of Life and Light – those standing in defense of our nation.

An Army of Life and Light that is fighting to stop the attack of sodomites and perversion upon their child targets.
An Army of Life and Light in defense of all generations to come.
An Army of Life and Light of those standing in faith. Those fighting for the Inner Light.

Each time you take a stand, when you pass out the downloadable flyer to your fellow citizens, with others or only by yourself, you add to the strength of the Army fighting for the future. Fighting to save the Inner Light.

The Homosexual/Sodomy Movement is relentless in their war upon children to crush their Inner Light. Their war to shatter and kill the souls of their targets. Your actions, however small they may appear to you, are part of the entire war effort to save the children of our nation from their soul death by perversion.
Hence do not be dismayed. Victory – for our children, our nation, and our future – will come when we walk by faith.

This website stands as a Paul Revere of our time. It alerts you that organized forces are coming which are dedicated to the moral destruction and annihilation of the children of our nation.

Go to ‘Pedophilia Advancing: Stop Perverts Before They Stop You’ from ‘Sodomite Persecution: How A Pro-Sodomy Government Begins Persecuting Christians’